7 Ways Floship Fulfillment Service Can Boost Your Customer Service

Carmen Fan
Fulfillment Service Can Boost Your Customer Service- Floship

Without customers, you don’t have a business.
As an eCommerce retailer, if your focus is solely on conversion rather than retention, your business will prove unsustainable.
You have to keep your customers happy. You have to deliver orders on time, and make sure they don’t arrive at their doorstep damaged or broken.

  • Do you have the right people, processes, and software solutions in place?
  • Is your warehouse as efficient as it could possibly be?
  • What if you could outsource fulfillment and instead focus on marketing and keeping your customers happy?
  • What would that mean to you?

Here are seven ways Floship fulfillment service can boost your customer service:

1. Fast Worldwide Shipping

Hong Kong is the world’s largest air-freight hub. With our warehouse headquartered in the Pearl of the Orient, we’re able to deliver your products faster and cheaper across the globe.
Whether you’re planning on expanding into new markets, or you’re already delivering to a variety of regions, Floship can take over and streamline your processes.

2. International Fulfillment To All Markets

Order fulfillment on a global scale is tricky business. You have to be aware of the laws and idiosyncrasies in every market. This can take a lot of research and experience to figure out.
Floship delivers to all major markets and is experienced in getting products to the right regions in the least amount of time. You can forego the headache of trying to understand every market by outsourcing fulfillment.

3. Cost-Effective

Have you worked with outsourcing centers that ask you to sign long-term contracts?

Have you been charged hidden fees, or were there some unexpected expenses you had to deal with?

With Floship, you’ll only ever pay for what you use. No lengthy contracts, and no hidden fees.

4. Full Suite Of Courier Rates

Do you feel like you’re getting the best courier rates? If not, there is a reason why. Some of the best options are only available to the largest enterprises.
If your company hasn’t grown to that size yet, but you’d still like access to the most cost-effective courier rates, you need to look into outsourcing.

5. Discounted Bulk Rates

Crowdfunding fulfillment is more difficult and tedious than most people even realize. Many project creators go over-budget in trying to deliver products and perks to their backers, effectively neutralizing any monetary value the crowdfunding exercise may have had.
And while no one can save you from bad planning, Floship can help you get your products out to your supporters in the least amount of time.

6. eCommerce Platforms Integrations

Are you relying on outdated eCommerce software solutions?
Perhaps you don’t even have the right kind of tools for your operation, or you don’t have the resources to upgrade.
With Floship, you can integrate with leading eCommerce platforms, shopping carts, order management systems, ERPs, and marketplaces.
Technology does make a difference, and can really speed up order fulfillment.

7. Experience

At the end of the day, you need to be able to trust the people you’re working with. You need to work with competent people that know what they’re doing, and build a mutually beneficial partnership.
By outsourcing fulfillment, you can rest easy knowing that the behind-the-scenes work is being taken care of. This frees you up to focus on the high-level marketing tasks a business owner should be overseeing.


If boosting your customer service is a priority – and it should be – it’s time for your to look into outsourcing fulfillment.
Business owners often feel as though they should be able to do it all, but at the end of the day the best thing you can do is delegate tasks that you don’t like or aren’t good at.
More of your time should be going towards the things that are going to make a difference for your customer. If you aren’t, you’re not making the most of your time.

When you are ready to find out how Floship can help in shipping your goods worldwide, contact us here.

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