Cross-Border Logistics at the “A Day with Shopify”

Carmen Fan
Steve Suh Shopify Plus Talk Melbourne- Floship

November 30th, Floship co-founder–Steve Suh–was in Melbourne, AU to give a talk at Shopify’s cross-border logistics day at the A Day with Shopify event.

Floship at A Day with Shopify: Cross-border Logistics Day

cross-border logistics day at a day with shopify in Australia
(Photo by Marc Thiele)

There, Steve was able to meet many Shopify agencies that are providing services such as Shopify store development, marketing, design, and others. He was also able to connect with service providers around the Shopify ecosystem.
The day was focused on helping Shopify Partners maintain their business success while using the Shopify e-commerce platform.

“This full day conference is dedicated to sharing lessons on how to be a successful Shopify Partner. After the success of our first-ever event in 2016, we decided to take A Day with Shopify on the road. Later this year, we’ll stop in five different cities, across five different countries.” (from Shopify

To see a recap of the event in photos, check out photo album here.
Floship provides shipping services to many e-commerce platforms so they can easily ship to customers anywhere in the world.

Find out how you can take advantage cross-border selling with the Floship + Shopify connector here.

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