Crowdfunding for Start Up Entrepreneurs: How FCLP Can Help

Carmen Fan
Crowdfunding for Start Up Entrepreneurs- How FCLP Can Help- Floship

Today’s funding market is completely different to what it was at the beginning of the century:
Crowdfunding has taken the business world by storm and has allowed numerous startups to secure the necessary funds to start their businesses, when they might not have been able to do so before with traditional financing channels.
With new opportunities come new challenges for every successful business.
Finding backers and keeping the campaigns going are two of the initial challenges; however, the biggest hurdle is how to manage the fulfillment of the promises your fledging startup made when the campaign began.

Delivering numerous products to all those backers can seem daunting.

Yet there is a way to get the fulfillment stage of your crowdfunding sorted: using the world’s number one full service crowdfunding fulfilment house: Floship.
But we don’t only look at fulfilment, in fact Floship can offer your crowdfunding project great benefits to increase its chance of success.

There Are No Borders

One of the greatest challenges with an online crowdfunding campaign is, as far as ecommerce is concerned,  that there are essentially no international borders.

Your backers could be from any and all countries in the world.

Managing the kind of distribution that is necessary to successfully complete all your deliveries to backers is not just a minor concern, it can be a massive headache for your business.
It isn’t just the logistics of packaging and sending out all the rewards to your customers. It’s about pricing.

  • Do you know the cost of sending your parcels to another country?
  • What if the delivery costs are more than you planned?



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This can seriously derail your chances of successfully using your funds to startup your project.
At Floship, we’ve built up a strong network and lots of experience so we can reduce the cost of sending your rewards to backers. This allows you to keep more of the raised funds for investing in your project and delivering an exceptional product.

The Floship Certified Logistics Plan

In addition to lowering the costs of your crowdfunding fulfillment, we are also there to help you ensure confidence with your potential backers.
Trust is critical to the success of your campaign.
Without it, backers won’t want to invest in you and your campaign will stagnate and won’t reach it’s funding goals.
Even after successfully claiming the pledges necessary, trust can be a huge factor with enquires from backers about their reward, consuming countless hours that could be spent on more productive tasks.
Trust can be gained by you taking advantage of our Floship Certified Logistics Plan (FCLP).

By displaying the seal of the FCLP on your crowdfunding page, website and in all correspondence with your audience you can demonstrate that:

  • You understand the complexities of delivering the rewards you promised to the backers.
  • Your crowdfunding project has a strong and robust logistics plan that will deliver the reward.
  • You have considered what you need to do to get the rewards to your customers in a reasonable time frame and for the best price.

Floship provides the seal for free, to all crowdfunding projects that have assessed by our thorough evaluation.
We do this so that you and your team know what is required to ensure the rewards are delivered to backers across the world.
After a successful evaluation, we provide a unique certification page for your crowdfunding project. This will detail the logistical factors that are necessary for your project to be successfully completed.
Here are two examples, one for a Kickstarter and the other for an Indiegogo project, of the certification pages:

  • Fishbone Charging Station (Kickstarter)

  • Aumeo (Indiegogo)

By including the FCLP seal on all communication and project pages, you can demonstrate to your backers that you have taken proactive steps that your campaign is professionally backed.
Results show that there is an increased pledge amount raised by those crowdfunding projects that have been approved to display the seal.


Floship is the best crowdfunding fulfillment service in the world that can enhance your crowdfunding project from the start until the finish.
We have the knowledge and experience to help you get your rewards to backers and we can support you in generating the trust necessary to receive greater pledges.

  • What challenges have you found running a crowdfunding project?
  • How have you overcome them?

Just starting your crowdfunding journey, Floship can help you. Find out more here.

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