Why eCommerce Marketers Need to Be More Creative in 2020

Carmen Fan
Why eCommerce Marketers Need to Be More Creative in 2020 - Floship

For most eCommerce marketers, strategic digital marketing plans had all been made and ready to kick-off as the year 2020 rolled in. Sadly, with the prolonged lockdown due to COVID-19, eCommerce brands and marketers have been pushed to think differently about how they foster creativity. Although it may seem counterintuitive to dive into a digital strategy during these uncertain times, the worst thing you can do is to do nothing. Besides, with consumers spending more time online, now is the time for eCommerce marketers to get on their game to create lasting improvements for a positive impact on your brand’s audience. Additionally, as eCommerce marketing tactics and algorithms change, so too must your strategy to grow your online sales. In this article, we will be looking at reasons why eCommerce marketers need to be more creative in 2020.

An Appetite for Contents 

Everyone around the world has been affected by the pandemic in different ways. So rather than continue business as usual, eCommerce businesses are marketing their products in more empathetic ways, by putting their consumers first.
Thus the tone used in the content of the online store you are marketing needs to pivot from the conventional marketing tone. Take, for example, publishing brand, Digiday. The company switches up its marketing strategy when releasing its new website. With the use of a single word: “Adapt,” they have been able to create content using a sentiment that is presently shared by everyone across the globe. With all that has happened since the start of 2020, it’s safe to say that Digiday’s customers have needed to alter and adapt their business plans and strategies.
Digiday uses the theme of adaptation to influence its entire marketing content, including the announcement of its new website and membership services. Take, for example, the mail that was sent to its subscribers:
Good Marketing Strategy
The delivery in Digiday’s message lets its customers know that they are there for them in these uncertain times. Also, the brand connects with the audience by sharing its personal coronavirus experiences. While they acknowledge their current challenges, they also let the audience know that the new website is perfectly equipped to meet their demands. Remember, you can always make use of professional writing services reviews such as Best Writers Online to write fantastic content.

Approach Data Differently

Another critical step to staying creative in 2020 as the eCommerce market is your ability to manage data. Diving into data and analytics can help you understand how the pandemic is impacting different eCommerce platforms. Marketers will need to consider comparing previous key metrics with what they have since the start of the crisis. Check if certain pages experienced a spike in traffic. Is there an increase or decrease in the number of mobile phones online since they’re staying at home?
Additionally, you can compare the website’s current heatmaps with pre-pandemic heatmaps. Look out for any shift in user attention in different areas, e.g., shipping information. And find ways to market products around such demands.
As you analyze your data, look out for inventive ways to place your data into categories. For example, segmenting your data geographically could show a variation performing much better in areas that have witnessed a significant impact by the pandemic. You can also categorize by age, to see how different demographics are responding to current events.

Conversion Rate Optimisation 

Although generating a ton of traffic for your eCommerce page is excellent, however, it amounts to nothing when your conversion rates are low. So you must switch your attention to conversion rate optimization. Using Google Analytics is a great place to start tracking your conversions.
Yes, some products may have less demand than others at the moment, as the pandemic guides consumer behavior. While it might be easy to attract new consumers right now, look for ways to rekindle the connection with lapsed ones and keep engaging your higher-value consumers.
Also, experimenting with conversion rate optimization might be worth a shot to turn around conversions. To limit the decrease in conversion rates, you can apply these strategies for your eCommerce business:
1. Update your metadata, e.g. title tags, so they highlight the online store’s shopping capabilities
and accent your delivery & return options.
2. Try making your shipping policies more competitive. A good number of brands are offering
free deliveries for lower order amounts.
3. Make your purchase navigation menu super easy to use.
4. Make it easy for your customers to reach you.
5. Monitor the products that are more in demand in this period, and then update your
homepage banners to promote such products.
6. Don’t forget to use your social media platforms to support these strategies.
Time spent on Social Networks

Managing Keyword Rankings 

While some eCommerce sites may witness a drop in traffic, not much may change in their keyword rankings. Using keyword ranking software should be easy to investigate such scenarios. If both your keyword and traffic drop significantly, then it may be worth investigating to see if there is a technical issue with your site or other factors at play.
However, where there is a significant drop in traffic, but little change in keyword rankings, then it could be infrared that consumers are likely searching for your topics. The decline in search could mostly be due to a shift in consumer behavior due to the virus. If this is the case, not much there may not be much that can be done until the situation settles down. But this doesn’t mean you should stop advertising which brings us to our final point.

Don’t Stop Advertising!

When sales keep declining, it only becomes natural to look for ways to cut costs. Often advertising or marketing budgets are the first to get cut from the budget. But this should not be the case right now. Doing so will mean that more time and resources will have to be invested in these areas when business returns to normal. Your ads can be a form of awareness campaign like the Nike ad that encourages quarantining and social distancing.
Marketing strategy
Also, consider display advertising and invest in App downloads if you already haven’t. Apps have witnessed a massive surge in the last three months. In China, the number of app downloads in the first two weeks of February were 40% higher than the average for all of 2019.


Hopefully, the year 2020 moves in a better direction as we progress. But whatever the case may be as an eCommerce marketer, this is the time to get creative. Don’t be fearful when others are also afraid. Create digital marketing strategies that work not just for this season, but can also transcend it.

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