How to Boost Your E-commerce Website 

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Increasing the revenue and attracting new clients is a constant concern of any e-commerce webpage. Even if you are getting a pretty good amount of sales, there is always room for growth. The key is in the combination of technological benefits, and marketing strategies at the same time. It is crucial to provide an amazing user experience and set up products’ value. 

The digital world is changing and marketing strategy has to include search engine optimization (SEO) and the latest trends in Google ranking. Here are several ways to increase sales, create loyal buyers’ database, and attract new customers. 

Work with Loyal Customers

Before attracting new clients, it is crucial to retarget and work with people who already are familiar with your brand. First of all, coming back clients bring a big amount of revenue, great conversions, and they are more prone to add a product to cart according to statistics

Existing customers know about your products, they have already used and bought them and there is no learning moment here. There are several ways to make them come back to your page: 

  • Loyalty program. They work effectively in any commerce, especially ones that convert money spent on products into bonuses that can be used later. They also build trust relations. 
  • Discounts and promotions for people coming back. They can be sent via emails or offered on the login page. 
  • Retargeting with paid advertising. Some people have attended your website but haven’t bought a product. When using paid advertising you can retarget those, who already know your brand. 

SEO and website ranking

There are several trends in terms of Google ranking that e-commerce webpages need to take into consideration. First of all, you need to use relevant keywords to attract organic searches. Secondly, users’ experience needs to be secure and smooth. Here’s what one can do to make a site more effective:

  • Secure internet protocols, like https. For a customer, it is essential to know that the payment and his personal information are confidential. 
  • Besides the protocol, one should add security badges that show that the site is a trustworthy source. There is a lot of online fraud on the Internet and people tend to leave sites that are not protected. These badges can be from Norton, McAfee Secure, Google Trusted Store, PayPal Verified, etc. Add them on the first page and in the check-out process so the client knows that it is safe to proceed. 
  • Work on a mobile interface. The majority of traffic nowadays comes from mobile searches. That’s why Google has launched the mobile-first index, which means that the pages are ranked primarily on their smartphone versions.  And online shopping is no exception to that rule; a lot of people tend to buy things via their smartphones. That’s why it is essential for your site to works efficient on a smaller screen. 

Check out this extensive Ecommerce SEO Guide by Matthew Woodward to increase your traffic.

Optimize Check-Out Process 

The more fields one needs to fill in while checking out, the more chances that he will leave without finishing it. When a company chooses to make this process long, it risks losing clients and sales. People shop online because it is convenient and they don’t want to spend too much time on it. You can optimize check-out by: 

  • Guest check-out feature. Make it possible to buy products without the necessity to login. It will increase revenue and make the users’ experience better. If you are worried about creating a database of clients, provide a loyalty program so clients are motivated to log in, but they don’t have to do it if they don’t want to. 
  • Reduce the number of forms to fill in. Some of them can be filled in automatically, for example, if the delivery address is the same as the billing one. 
  • Create a progress bar for checkouts. It is not obligatory, but it will help the customer to see the sense of accomplishment. 

Use Video Content and High-Quality Photographs 

 Videos are trending when it comes to internet marketing. First of all, people spend more time on the page; they get a grip on the use of the product and its looks. And the majority, namely 87% of online marketers, already uses video content. 

It is especially beneficial if your product is new and has functionality that customers need to have a look at. The videos should not be too long. The focus is on how it is helpful in daily life, how it solves the users’ problems. The video should also contain dimensions of the product. 

It is an amazing way to showcase the product and its functionality.  However, some products do not necessarily need a video presentation, for example, clothing or shoes. One can also use photography for this matter. The pictures of a product should be of a high-quality, with neutral (white or black) background and good lighting. If it is a clothing item, it is better to show how it looks on a person. 

Update Product Descriptions

They should be very clear and straightforward. They also need to underline the value of the product and how it makes clients’ lives better. The benefits you are writing about should be based on understanding the targeted audience. 

If you are selling gadgets or electronics items, listing all the features and details, like screen resolution, materials, and RAM is necessary, but it is not always fulfilling entirely. Although these details should be mentioned, they do not directly speak to the customer. If the majority of your audience is not tech pros, it is necessary to make descriptions more appealing to them. 

For instance, name the feature and how it solves existed before issues. A new processor makes the usage of a device faster; a new screen is glare-free and performs amazingly in direct sunlight, etc. 

Discounts and Fear of Missing Out 

Discounts always work because everyone wants to make a good deal. You can use email marketing to offers discounts or offer them right away on the first page. To add efficiency to this strategy, make short-time available offers. 

For instance, offer discounts for particular items regarding spec
ial holidays, like Christmas, Father’s or Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, etc. People are buying presents at this time and they will appreciate saving some money. 

The great way to increase sales is to create a feeling of urgency. For example, you can state that there is a limited amount of specific product left. The customer will feel like he can miss out on the deal and not be able to buy it later. 

Flash sales are also very effective for this purpose. You can create an offer that is available for only 24 hours and it will motivate clients to make a purchase today. 

Have Several Payment Options

This tip is quite simple, yet it dramatically impacts the number of sales. If your website features only one or two payment options, it eliminates a huge part of the market. It is especially true if we are talking about the international market. 

Make purchasing your products more accessible and add some mobile-friendly options, like ApplePay. It allows buying items from a smartphone in just several clicks. 

It is also beneficial to approve debit cards and some e-wallet options. The more options you offer, the wider number of people can purchase the product. 


It is important to create smooth and simple users’ experience with fast-working and mobile-friendly website. One can also hugely benefit from loyalty programs, retargeting and attracting new clients with giveaways and promotions. Another crucial factor is showing the product’s value and features in a video, clear description, and pictures. Clients should be able to find the site quickly, see what the offer is about and check-out with ease. 


Vitalii Anufriiev is a co-founder and CMO at Writing Metier, who specializes in education, business, strategy and marketing with an emphasis on online sales. He follows the newest trends in digital marketing that can increase e-commerce sales and bring more organic searches and conversions to a website. 

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