5 Terrific Tools to Help You Improve Your E-commerce Site’s Profitability

Carmen Fan
improve ecommerce profitability- Floship

Are you an entrepreneur attempting to build a reliable revenue stream for yourself via an online business?
Have you set up your own e-commerce site and are now ready to increase the potential of your venture?
If you’re not willing to wait for sales to come to you, but instead want to seize the proverbial bull by the horns, it is imperative you realize just how powerful your online venture might be.
Thanks to the myriad of marvelous tools now at your disposal, you can connect with customers around the planet. From a smartphone-enabled consumer in Cairo to a sale-seeking socialite in Singapore, the world truly is your oyster as an online business owner. There are an ever-increasing number of companies creating awesome resources for e-commerce entrepreneurs like yourself.

Check out the following curated collection of e-commerce tools to see which ones can help supercharge your online business revenues:


If you have aspirations to go global with your e-commerce venture, you’ll be thrilled with the power of Lengow.
Their fabulous interface lets you connect your online business with everything from comparison shopping sites to affiliate networks. Sell your products to international customers via sponsored links or connect with global consumers via mobile shopping marketplaces.
If you’re prepared to think of yourself as a global entrepreneur, review the potential of Lengow for your e-commerce company.
Lengow lets you connect your e-commerce store with everything from comparison shopping sites to affiliate networks


Available from Stripe, Relay helps e-commerce retailers sell their products via mobile apps and social networking sites.
Relay integrates with a multitude of e-commerce platforms, including such well-known platforms as Tictail and BigCommerce. Once you’ve set up your own site with Stripe’s Relay, you can get your e-commerce products ready to connect with powerhouse sites like Twitter, InMobi, and ShopStyle.
If you haven’t investigated the power of Stripe for your online business, it is highly recommended you do so. Stripe offers everything from invoicing and analytics integrations to shipping and recurring-payment tools.
Relay helps e-commerce retailers sell their products via mobile apps and social networking sites


Collect is another fabulous find for e-commerce retailers to investigate.
Whether you’re searching for marketing automation tools for your online business or a loyalty program to increase recurring sales, you’ll find what you seek when you dive into Collect.
E-commerce integrations include WooCommerce, Shopify, and Magento. Brick-and-mortar retailers can even use Collect to integrate with point-of-sale platforms like Vend, LightSpeed, and Kounta. Whether you’re on the hunt for an automated email marketing tool or a customer-targeting interface for special offers, you’ll be impressed with the number of powerful options at your disposal with Collect.
It even integrates with Apple Wallet, so you can connect with all those Apple fan boys (and girls). How can you not check out Collect for your online business?
Collect offers everything from marketing automation tools to loyalty programs for e-commerce stores


For online business owners who want to attract customers in a myriad of languages, Smoolis is a tantalizing option to discover.
You can easily set up an additional multi-language site for your e-commerce business on Smoolis. Features range from a custom domain integration to discount codes and store analytics. Smoolis offers mobile responsive design, store templates, and even a shipping simulator.
With an awesome translation tool at your disposal, you’ll be selling to foreign customers in no time.
Easily set up an additional multi-language site for your e-commerce business on Smoolis


If you promote your online business on social media, doesn’t it make sense to sell your products on social media too? Selling on social is simple with eSell.
Whether you want to sell directly to followers on Facebook or Pinterest, you can do so with eSell. With terrific tools such as inventory management and a customized checkout available, you’ll be increasing your social media ROI in a big way. Accept both credit cards and PayPal for your social media sales and offer customers a multitude of shipping options.
For business owners who want more revenue for their social media investment, eSell is a must-discover resource.
E-commerce selling on social media is simple with eSell

If you truly want your e-commerce venture to be a business and not just a hobby, it is absolutely crucial you treat your entrepreneurial endeavor as such.
Failing to investigate potential revenue opportunities for your company is sentencing your venture to a life of mediocrity. If you’re willing to invest a little time into investigating the above-listed resources, you just might be able to transform your company into a highly profitable online success.
Are you willing to double-down on your financial future?

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