Top Marketing Psychology Techniques to Increase E-Commerce Conversions 

Carmen Fan
Marketing Psychology Increase eCommerce Conversions - Floship

Marketing is all about psychology. There’s a psychological reason for every action someone takes on your e-commerce website, whether that’s signing up for your newsletter, browsing your products, or making a purchase. Whether the customer has realised it or not, they have been influenced and encouraged to take those actions by something that you, the store owner, has done.

Introducing the Top Marketing Psychology Methods

The great thing about marketing psychology is that you can use it to actively encourage conversions on your e-commerce website.
Take a look at these top tactics to get more e-commerce conversions and sales.

Trigger Emotions

Emotions rule over logic, especially when it comes to purchasing decisions. Triggering emotions in your ads and other content will have a bigger impact on your audience than not doing so. If you’re ads have triggered an emotion in a member of your audience, you’re ad has had an impact on them. These are the things that stick in peoples’ minds.
Consider your own memories. I’d be willing to bet that all your very clear memories throughout your life involved a strong emotion.
There are lots of ways to trigger emotions:

Generate excitement 

Encourage your audience to get excited about purchasing your products, getting involved with your brand, or downloading an up-and-coming e-book.

Create a sense of nostalgia 

Who doesn’t love a sense of nostalgia? Tap into childhood memories or the memories of a big life event. Make your audience remember how they felt at a specific point in their lives.

Make your audience feel happy 

Make your audience laugh, use smiley faces, or place something in front of them that will make them smile.

Add surprising elements

If you’re watching a movie and you’ve guessed the ending 30 minutes in, the movie has failed. Surprise twists and turns will always win over predictable because predictable is boring. Surprise your audience with something unexpected and original.

Display empathy

Showing empathy makes people feel connected to you as you are reassuring them that you understand how they feel. This makes them feel less alone in whatever the problem or situation is. The empathy tactic is used by lots of marketers who highlight “pain points” in their content and then proceed to give their audience a solution to it.


Inspiration is a wonderful feeling. If you’re able to inspire your audience to do something, you can achieve great success in your field. Make it your mission to inspire.

Using Images of Faces

Using Images of Faces E-Commerce Conversions
Experiments carried out by Princeton psychologists concluded that it takes just 1/10th of a second to form an opinion of someone. If you’re incorporating pictures of people in your marketing campaign, regardless of how shallow it may sound, that person’s facial appearance will have a psychological impact on how your audience views them. And by association, how they view your brand.
In light of this research, you may consider A/B testing the images you use on your website, blog, ads and social media pages to see which ones get the better results.

Meet The Demands of Impatient Buyers

The increase of mobile internet usage and the ability to instantly purchase almost anything we would like online, has increased buyer-impatience. Mobile users in particular have gotten used to speedy internet browsing as and when they want. This has led to the want of instant-gratification among many consumers.
Of course, as with all the methods in this list, you can use impatience to your advantage. Here’s how:
Take the time to ensure your website is fast-loading, mobile-friendly, and that all the navigation is smooth and simple. Make every process quick and easy.
If you want your audience to contact you with any questions, don’t assume they’ll take the initiative to look around for your contact page. Instead, put it there in front of them and invite them to contact you with any questions. Pop-up live chat boxes are great for this purpose and can be incorporated nicely into your e-commerce store.
A simple, well laid-out checkout out process will reduce shopping cart abandonments and encourage more people to make it all the way through the sales funnel.
Equally, make your content interesting from the get-go. Don’t make your audience wait too long to get to the good bits. Capture their attention and work on keeping it throughout their time on your site.

Add A Blog For Connection Opportunities

Blog E-Commerce Increase Traffic
Blogs are a great means of connecting with your audience and building trust and rapport. Speak to them like real people instead of a robot and show them your human side. Customers who feel connected to brands are considerably more likely to be loyal, returning customers. These are the customers who you should cherish and nurture.
Blogging about your chosen niche will build on your reputation as a company that knows what they’re talking about. Trust will naturally develop and your followers will come to you for future advice and expert tips.
There are some free hosting options out there for your website or blog, making it a cheap and simple – yet effective – method of connecting with your audience. Just remember to keep your blog interesting and light. It’s not a place for hard-selling. It’s a place to establish relationships.


FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is a widely-used technique that marketers use to derive results. It works by creating a sense of fear or panic among consumers that they will miss out on something like a good deal, or a limited-edition product.
Here are some ways to induce FOMO:

  • Strict time-limits
  • Limited Free Giveaways
  • Testimonials
  • “Invitation-Only” campaigns
  • Limited product availability

Whatever FOMO methods you choose, your aim is to promote a feeling that your audience is missing out on something. This could be something that other people have that they don’t or something that they want or feel they will want.

The Foot-In-The-Door Technique 

Foot in The Door Principle E-Commerce
The foot-in-the-door technique was introduced in 1966 by Freedman & Fraser, Stanford University. They conducted a study called “Compliance Without Pressure: The Foot-In-The-Door Technique”. The technique works on the principle that requesting something small from someone initially, results in a higher chance of that person agreeing to a bigger commitment afterwards.
Freedman & Fraser found that the participants in their study were 50% more likely to complete a large task after being given a small, much less inconvenient task first. You can read more about this study here.
This information is a powerful tool for marketers and businesses. Requesting something small from your audience, such as trying a free sample or signing up for a free newsletter subscription, will increase your chances of sales down the line.

Combine These Methods To Boost Your E-Commerce Website Sales

As an e-commerce website owner, you will benefit from combining all of these methods to increase your sales. Always measure the success of your marketing efforts so that you can grow and improve using marketing psychology. Follow these tips to get into the minds of your audience and increase your e-commerce website sales.

Shipping your E-Commerce Orders Internationally

Running a successful e-commerce store with lots of traffic and conversions is one thing, getting the actual orders to your customers is another. If you’re looking to scale your business by going global and looking for a partner to help you ship internationally, Floship may be the right partner for you. We believe every e-commerce business is unique, so your shipping solutions should be too. Floship offers custom e-commerce order fulfillment solutions and a personal touch. From our sales representatives to your dedicated account manager after you join us, we will constantly try to understand your needs and consult you on the best shipping strategies accordingly. Reach out now to learn more.

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