How Negative Customer Feedback Can Benefit Your Marketing Campaign

Carmen Fan
Negative Customer Feedback (1) - Floship

Getting glowing reviews is every company’s dream come true. What’s more rewarding than a customer sacrificing their time to virtually pat you on the back by writing a couple of positive words about your product or service? But, to put it rather colloquially, life isn’t always rainbows and unicorns.

Source: Pixabay

Negative feedback is out there and it’s only a matter of time when it knocks on your door. Don’t worry! Customers tend to complain online a lot because it’s easier to trash someone on the internet than saying it to your face. The good news is, you can take advantage of negative feedback and use it as an opportunity to engage more customers. Sounds paradoxically? See for yourself.

The Role of Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is crucial for every company’s operations. After all, who can tell better if the product or service you offer is satisfying its users? Whether it’s positive or negative you should think of it as free business consultation. Customer feedback shows you the right direction, and it’s your call what you’re going to do with it.
Displaying positive reviews on your website seems to be the winning marketing strategy, however, some customers find it rather “hard to believe” that your product or service has no flaws at all. How many times have you searched for opinions about a product you wanted to purchase? Did you trust them? Which reviews did you find more trustworthy, the positive or negative ones?
According to research conducted by Zendesk in December 2018 people with bad customer service experience are very likely to forward their opinion online. 46% of customers wrote a negative review, while only 27% shared a positive one. No wonder bad feedback can hurt your business development. So how do you find an antidote to this virtual poison?

Source: Pixabay

How to Turn Negative Feedback into a Winning Marketing Strategy?

A negative review doesn’t necessarily mean a faulty product or poor service. People complain for various reasons and you’re not always the one to blame. There are several forms of customer feedback and each of them should be taken seriously. Whether it’s a bad rating, negative email or unfavorable discussion at forums, you should never ignore it. And here’s how to use it to your advantage.

Respond Immediately

The sooner you respond to negative feedback the better. Customers don’t like to feel neglected especially after having a rather bad experience with your company. Apologize for the issue, tell them you’re investigating the problem, and offer a small compensation to show that you care. Besides, if other customers see that you’re a responsible company that takes certain measures to improve the user experience, they are more likely to ignore the original message. Remember that the customer is always right, even if they’re not.

Contact Unsatisfied Customers

Answering to their negative feedback is not enough. You need to take care of your customers appropriately and encourage them to give your business another chance. Contact them personally, assess the problem, ask questions and try to build a bond. Being positive about negative feedback is key.

Always Follow-Up

Never ignore your customers after you’ve dealt with their issue. You should always aim at building a long-term relationship. Contact your clients and ask if they’re happy with the way you handled their dissatisfaction. Showing your commitment and delivering an outstanding customer experience will result in greater engagement in the future.

Tweak Your Content

Using negative reviews can be a great way to get new ideas for content marketing. Check what customers are not happy about and write relevant articles addressing this issue. Top it with attractive visuals, infographics, catchy headlines, and your customers will be less likely to complain about it in the future.

Successful FAQ Section

Negative reviews can also serve as the foundation of an outstanding FAQ section. Just gather the most popular inquiries, issues, and complaints and create a list of frequently asked questions providing informative answers. The tendency among customers to check an FAQ section is increasing so in order to avoid any future confusion, you should definitely create one on your website.

Create a Campaign that Hits Unpopular Products

A lot of businesses struggle with customers not willing to purchase some of their products or services. They’re either not interested, or read a negative review about it. Single bad feedback can cause a lot of damage. If this is the case in your company, run a paid campaign advertising those products in a new creative way to encourage purchase. Byteplant suggests sorting out your list of customers beforehand and validate the addresses so that you hit the right people at the right time.

Source: Pixabay


Turning bad reviews into a positive experience and bigger engagement is crucial, no matter how big or small your company is. Remember that customers are your bread and butter and you wouldn’t exist without them. Appreciate all forms of feedback, both positive and negative. After all, you already know how to take advantage of them and run a successful marketing campaign. Good luck!

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