E-Commerce Success With Pinterest: Here is What You Should Know

Carmen Fan
E-Commerce Success With Pinterest Here is What You Should Know - Floship

With more than two-hundred million monthly active users, Pinterest may well be the secret weapon for modern e-commerce marketing today. Pinterest offers vast marketing opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs. At first, the market techniques used on the platform may look obvious. However, when you have a closer look at it, you will find that that’s not all it is about, and not everyone is getting it right. The question is, what are the leading tactics for maximizing turnovers on Pinterest’s e-commerce platform nowadays?
Every marketer understands that as soon as your business takes its faucets to the online world, traffic automatically becomes the name of the game. Thankfully, Pinterest not only happens to be a dominating force at driving online traffic, but they also have a plethora of future customers.
This advantage is great news for entrepreneurs and business brands hoping to go in for the long haul. They can easily engage with older customers while seamlessly converting new customers daily. Pinterest can draw more traffic to your website without having to pay for Facebook or Google ads. Also, the platform has outstanding superiority for sales, especially in e-commerce.
Let’s look at the facts.

Why is Marketing on Pinterest Valuable?

Firstly, Pinterest has an active following of over 200 million active users every month. Of that number, 40% of users have household annual income rates of $100k+ which gives them more spending power. This kind of strong customer following makes the platform a marketing powerhouse for e-commerce.
Additionally, Pinterest works quite differently from other average platforms where most users randomly scroll through feeds to make purchases they didn’t specifically plan for. On Pinterest, users go online intentionally, and search organically for products and services they want using trusted customer feedback. 67% of customers usually purchase inquiries. Customer feedback is trusted and very essential on the platform. This means that if you offer quality products or services, your online store will naturally thrive on the platform.
1.  98% pinners report serious feedbacks for new products or services they discovered using Pinterest compared to the 70% on other platforms.
2.  Most shoppers online use Pinterest to plan for purchases, research purchases, or make purchases.
3.  Mobile users generate Over 80% of traffic on Pinterest.
4.  Customers’ feedback speaks.
5.  40% of users have household annual income rates of over $100k. This gives them superior spending power.
So, how do we unlock the marketing powers of Pinterest?
Here are some useful tips to help you succeed with marketing and e-commerce on Pinterest.

Top E-commerce Tips and Strategies for Pinterest

Optimize Your Pinterest Profile

Setting up your marketing profile effectively for rapid sales on Pinterest is the first step. Your profile is the cornerstone for the rest of your marketing campaign.
Ensure that you set up a Business Account for your brand rather than settling for a regular account.
A business account will grant you access to Pinterest Analytics, as well as a lineup of other vital Marketing Tools on Pinterest. Pinterest advertising resources are exclusive to business accounts.
Additionally, make sure you ensure consistency across all your business’s other social accounts.

Utilize Pinterest Featured Boards

Pinterest Featured Boards make your marketing profile more vibrant. Board organization is essential in this regard. One quick-fire technique is to subcategorize your Pinterest boards down to niche subsections. This technique can bring your business more followers; this is because by doing so:
 1.  Your keyword usage will be optimized more specifically to fit users’ search intents, which will, in turn, make your brand a lot easier to find.
 2.  Audiences on Pinterest pay more attention to niche interests. Hence, niche boards have a lot of relevance.
 3.  People in your target audience are more likely to find your products across niche boards.
 4.  Niche boards save time for the user. They can quickly see what your product (board) is all about and know      whether they have an interest in it.
You can get more from Pinterest Boards by using separate niche boards to advertise different kinds of products across diverse audiences. Again, organization is key. You can even make subsections, which are basically boards-inside-a-board, to strengthen your Pinterest marketing strategy through organization.

Employ Keywords More Effectively

Keywords are another crucial marketing instrument on Pinterest. Because of Pinterest’s search feature, keywords play an essential role. Pinners easily make direct purchases on Pinterest. Therefore, you should use keywords effectively to ensure that your products appear upon related search inquiries.
Optimizing separate keywords inside a single pin is a great technique that can keep your pins on the top radar.
For instance, suppose you are selling a subscription service for cat toys, (for the sake of our example, we will call it MeowKit). In which case, your description can read:
“Have special cat toys delivered at your doorstep once every month and give your kitty epicure cat delights. #MeowKit #Catstuff.”
Hashtags are another way to integrate keywords that you are trying to target on Pinterest. Including at least a single hashtag or two in your description will give you added advantage.
The Promoted Pins Creator feature on Pinterest has a Keyword Suggestion feature that can help you find the best keywords for your campaign.

Use Specific links

When making your Pinterest pins, you should ensure that your pins include a relevant link to your site. That is to say, the link should lead directly to the corresponding page that contains the product rather than your homepage.
Pinterest offers the user speed and efficiency. You would typically want to carry that on when a customer decides to take action. Sending customers to your homepage where they will have to search again or maneuver to find their desired products is bad business. Your brand will not receive great feedbacks, which is vital for success on Pinterest.
Also, try to make things interesting and more engaging by integrating visual components on your pins.

Tailor Your Pinterest Pins Effectively

Pinterest offers a lineup of various kinds of pins to help marketers organize things more effectively as well as ease the buying process for the user. Depending on the product/service you wish to advertise, you will find an array of pin options that suit your product or service.
On Pinterest, Product Pins are a subcategory of Rich Pins. They contain customer-interest information on products/services such as videos or pictures of specific products. These pins take customers directly to the most relevant page containing the product, from where they can make a purchase.
Product Pins are among the most popular pin types on Pinterest, and they can quickly get you an excellent ROI.

Collaborate on Pinterest Using Group Boards

It is possible to collaborate even after you have created boards for your business on Pinterest. Group Boards offer the ability to collaborate effectively on Pinterest. To help you use group boards more strategically and effectively, here are some useful tips:
  1.  Incorporate other influencers and industry specialists when creating your boards. You can host the board on your business profile while they share their industry expertise. This is great for niche boards and also improves board appeal to attract large audiences.
  2.  You can create a private board where you can connect directly with your customers. From there, you can share ideas and lots more. You can utilize separate private boards to share various samples of your products/services.
It is easy to add guest collaborators on Pinterest. Simply go to the grey icon close to your logo on the group board. From there, Pinterest allows you to add specific users through the email address linked with their account on Pinterest.

Utilize the Voice of Your Customer-Base

Your customers can be a massive asset to your marketing efforts if you utilize the power of their voice on Pinterest. You should not do all the talking all the time; they can also help you a great deal. Moreover, pinners would most likely trust the feedbacks of other pinners like themselves over whatever marketing campaigns you may be scheming.
Engage your audience more and let them actively participate in making your products reach other people like themselves who also need them. You can give out incentives in the form of gifts or cash rewards to deserving pinners.
Ask your customers to pin pictures or videos along with their experience patronizing your business. Also, they should highlight their satisfaction with the product or service they received. You can create the challenge in the form of a contest and attach a prize at the end for the winner who will have the most repins.
You can engage with your customers using their email to reach out to them. Attach a link to the board with the challenge and have them battle for the star prize.


Pinterest offers a robust opportunity for marketing, e-commerce, collaboration, and more. The platform has outstanding sales authority, especially for e-commerce. The key is in organization, and having an abundance of understanding for your audience and customers. Also, you must maintain consistency on Pinterest and across all other platforms that have your brand. Finally, you must also stay updated with the best practices as we have shared with you here. You can also use paper rating tools like Online Writers Rating to explore more informative content on e-commerce success with Pinterest.

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