Could a Shipping Startup Improve Your Online Business’ Profitability?

Carmen Fan
shipping startup- Floship

Is your online business still relying on courier services like UPS, FedEx, or Purolator to ship goods to customers?
Are you tired of paying high shipping prices and want to find out if there are more affordable shipping options at your disposal? It might be time to look at startup companies within the logistics sector.
There are innovative shipping startups being developed especially to help business owners grow their companies. Following are just a few shipping startups you might want to investigate further.


If you regularly order goods from China, Boxc is definitely worth investigating.
Boxc lets you order items from China and have those goods shipped directly to your customer. Instead of ordering large quantities of goods in shipping containers and waiting months for delivery, Boxc lets you order items as you need them and ships your items as soon as you place an order.
Boxc is a shipping startup that lets you order items from China and have those goods shipped directly to your customer.


Currently available in San Francisco, Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City, “” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”Shyp lets you request a courier via an iOS app.
A Shyp courier will pick up whatever you need to ship, take your goods offsite for packaging, and then send your package out for delivery. Shyp users don’t have to worry about wrapping their items, creating shipping labels, or making there is enough bubble wrap on hand for packaging.
If you’re interested in having Shyp come to your city, you can sign up for updates on their site.
Shyp lets you request a courier via an iOS app.


LaneHoney helps connect truckers with shippers needing their services.
Instead of dealing with brokers that raise prices, truck owners can deal directly with shippers needing to book a rig. If you regularly need to ship goods from a central warehouse to your location, it might be worth investigating Lane Honey to see if they are planning an expansion in your city.
LaneHoney helps connect truckers with shippers needing their services.


DashHaul connects truckers with shipping companies needing to book an extra rig.
Instead of making customers suffer through long waits, shippers can connect with truck owners that have load space available. If your usual courier regularly makes you wait an extended period of time for pick-ups, you might want to peruse the possibilities with DashHaul.
If nothing else, advising your courier of DashHaul’s existence might make your courier realize you are prepared to look elsewhere for shipping satisfaction.
DashHaul connects truckers with shipping companies needing to book an extra rig.


Floship is an industry leader in global ecommerce and crowdfunding fulfillment.
Being based in Hong Kong, Floship provides the fastest shipping time and the lowest prices for all your international ecommerce shipments.
If your e-commerce store runs on ShopifyMagento, WooCommerceMoltin, or any other self-hosted site, Floship integrates to these platforms via plugins, and the entire process of picking, packing and shipping runs automatically.
Floship is a leading shipping startup in global ecommerce and crowdfunding fulfillment.

These are just some of the innovative shipping companies that are growing viable businesses within the logistics sector. These shipping startups are building businesses by using everything from mobile apps to crowdsourced couriers.
Do you think your business is likely to use the services of a shipping startup to provide better service for your customers?

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